Friday, September 5, 2008

for a magically talented friend

Mardi Gras Eyes

Mardi Gras eyes, laughter just out of sight
rich as maple syrup,
warm as only the wise can be
Mountain stream brown, reflections of light.

Etch images with your eyes, tell stories with your soul
Capture life’s litany
Each frame a gift to those like me
Collections made of days, chapters of nights.

I wonder if the essence of all you see
Stays locked in your mind
Ghosts of other’s lives and loves
Caught in the amber of your artistry.

I’d walk in the labyrinth, run in the maze
Of your memory
Collecting a scrapbook of images
Culled from your journeys, halcyon days.

Margi Gras eyes, laughter like velvet
Mind caught in crystal
You sing the song of the artist
In visuals no onlooker could ever forget.

**Mardi Gras -the day before Lent, celebrated in some cities, as New Orleans and Paris, as a day of carnival and merrymaking; Shrove Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

I think Justin is not aware of you writing so beautiful lines in your blog. Please let him know.

tsemo said...

Hello Jo - I "met" Justin via work - we both work for Ogilvy, but in different countries. And that's how I came to see his photos. They are so wonderful, aren't they? But I'd rather not have him read this blog. It's not for men - some things women understand better. I have one woman friend who knows where this is, and you. I'm honoured to meet you..