Wednesday, September 30, 2009

At Winter's End

With skeletal fingers the trees in winter stretch to the sky

The cold Himalayan wind blows listlessly through the valley

Turning over dead leaves and sand as though counting beads

Overhead the falcons swoop and cry

Winter holds the cold grey landscape in a lover’s embrace

And wards off spring’s gentle, soft overtures

The valley has shrugged off the snow, venturing unclad

Under the icy sky, seeking the promise of summer sun

Yaks patiently cover the ground, eating what’s to be found

Stoic and uncomplaining they wait for winter to be done

Frozen prayers carried on the winter wind bring

Compassion to all and the whisper of the promise of spring

Deep purple barren slopes climb up to the snowline

Silver lakes carry the arid winter mountain’s echo

A monastery astride a mighty hill not cowed by nature’s splendour

Tiny hamlets cower in the Himalayas icy shadow

Shades of ochre and sienna streak the earth

And an icy silver grey river snakes across the land

Across the valley the mournful horns speak

Of bliss and days of colour and content

The monks’ deep litany swept on the wind

The drums and trumpets flare, bells ring

A call to mindfulness and the present moment

Here we are now: this is Ladakh at winter’s end

Friday, September 25, 2009

Land of the White Tiger

In distant parts, almost inaccessible to man

But easy to find on Google Earth

The dark forests hide the Tiger’s trail

While the landscape lies dreaming

As weeping clouds embrace the trees

A watchful silence slowly grows

Whispered footfalls heard only in imagination

The Tiger slowly stalks the night

An elusive shape only the mind’s eye sees

He moves stealthily with consummate grace

Black and silver stripes, velvet fur entices

Sensual, soft; your fate concealed in dangerous embrace

This majestic Tiger is a rare and captivating beast

His dark shadow echoes the eternal night

Creature of the silver slither of the moon

He rests awhile, his fangs exposed in a regal yawn

Glowing fever-bright and rapier-sharp

His eyes scan the surrounds as he goes

Seeking relief from boredom and frustration

Fearsome creature at ethereal Moon’s command

On soft and silken paws he chases down the Dawn

Stand still, don’t move, and now forget to breathe

All too quickly the Watcher becomes the prey

You are the last thing you want him to perceive

Deer Park in Silence

The monsoon rains plummet to the ground

Instantly large silent pools fill the grass

Silently, mindfully, Ven Aggacitta carefully

Picks his way amongst the puddles

His spare figure shrouded in cinnamon robes

His protection a cinnamon umbrella held high

Vipassana meditation in motion

He goes on his way, absent of sound

Feet in sandals attempting to stay dry

Below me multi-coloured umbrellas

Weave to and fro ‘cross the Courtyard

Their bearers locked in silence

Poised not to speak, I can see their tension,

Westerners resting uneasy with their vows

Under dark umbrellas the business men from Delhi

Carry on their purposeful conversation

In hurried, urgent, soft Hindi cadence

Their silence reserved only for meditation

Voices lightly drifting on the rain

The roses move silently, greeting the wind

A horse’s bell rings the call to mindfulness

Singular, solitary, as the sun comes out again

And Saraswati, dancing eternally in bronze

Shines and glimmers, knowledge in hand

The Temple roof invites the sky’s caress

Breathing in, I breathe in, but instead of emptiness

Often it’s just the Watcher that I find.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pariah Kites over Delhi

Languidly they sail above Delhi

Filling the skies in their thousands

Drifting like smoke on the air as it rises

Circling and spiralling like leaves

On a hot summer’s wind

Wingspan stretched to the max

They swoop as the small bird’s cry

Crows shout protests in voices gone hoarse

Doves dip below foliage and flee

Unconcerned, the kites circle the sky

Alert and silently ever watchful

On the city’s communication masts

They perch like swallows mourning the summer

While below others dive and twirl

Winging low over the ground

Ever faster, ever more elusive

The pariah kites remain ever distant

The wings fill my mind and my imagination

Bright eyes, yellow beaks cruelly soaring

Over the city till the end of time

Weaving invisible tapestries

Across the daytime city sky

They look for instant gratification

Criss-crossing their chosen terrain

While below the hunted hide

To and fro they swing and jibe

Turn and wheel and start again

Their constant flight my endless fascination

Intersect and interweave

Waiting for the night

The monsoon rain empties the heavens

No place for any bird to fly

Sheets of water plummet down until

Suddenly over, the sun timidly appears

And, once again, the raptors rule the sky

Far away in memory and time

I close my eyes and see how

The ghost of Delhi flies on feathered wings

Yellow eyes and talons clutch my mind

Winged Delhi stalks my memories I find.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sunset Over India

In hues of red and rich gold the Sun sets over India

Eagerly she embraces him in folds of purple and indigo.

Soon I take to the air and ride the clouds

Looking earthwards at India’s rich tapestry below

The green and gold of crops and rice paddies

The distant glint of water catches my eye

And below me her majestic rivers serenely flow.

Back home to familiar and much loved people and places

I travel – soon to reunite with those from whom I’ve been apart

Returning to the country of my blood

Leaving behind the country of my heart

Friends both met and unmet crowd my mind

Some so familiar that meeting them went unremark’d

Others elusive, just out of reach: this was not our time

And still more new and unexpected, delighted to find

Across culture and language we could understand

A common love of life and love of India, and the land

Brought riches to our lives, offering friendship’s hand

Farewell, beloved country, Indra’s exquisite net

Enfolds you in a myriad soft and velvet threads

The Northern stars sparkle like diamonds

In your soft lustrous ink black canopy

Sensual, spicy perfumes fill the heavy air

Snow decked mountains dream of heroes past

This image I will keep in my heart until at last

I step upon your treasure-filled shores again.