Cloak me in waves, cover me in foam
Toss me up on the beach far from home
Nothing to stop me, nothing comes after
The echo of waves crashing, wind on the sea
The tide rushes in, grabs at the shore
Pulls in her sacrifices, living no more.
I would love to be like water
Abseil the cliffs, crash to the ground
Heedless of heights, lost in the sound
Nothing to stop me, tinkling like laughter
Tumbling down head over heels
Eternally in freefall, total freedom at last
Racing to the future, no fear of the past.
I would love to be like water
Still as a mirror, reflecting the moon
Whispering in the darkness, life’s quiet tune
Nothing to stop me, need ask for no quarter
Silent and secret, cloaked in sky blue
Life force of millions, denizens of the deep
Caressing them softly, lulling them to sleep.
I would love to be like water
Crossing the plains, heading for sea
Dividing the land, giving succour for free
Nothing to stop me, nothing to barter
Taking and giving life to all I encounter
Heading onward and downward inexorably drawn
Perpetually in motion, meeting the sea, losing all form.
I would love to be like water
Running hop-scotch over pebbles, laughing aloud
Embracing the raindrops dropped by a cloud
Nothing to stop me, now I’m rain’s daughter
Calling up to all the clouds in the sky
Feed me, please feed me so I can traverse the land
Spreading my wings of water, enriching the sand.
I would love to be like water
Sky diving from clouds, swing on the rainbow
Rock hard as hail, whisper soft mystery as snow
Nothing to stop me, get faster and faster
Spin in a rain storm, fly on the wind
Dancing and laughing I merge with the stream
Back to the beginning, the rest is now a dream.
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