Kaleidoscope colours, kites in the wind
Tumble down leaves, raindrops on glass
Wind on the water, clouds moving past
People in corridors, cars on the road
Everything’s moving, passing me by
Pause for a moment, see what you find
Nothing and no one, pointless to try.
Rainbows in spring, flowers in bloom,
Tiny ducklings and goslings swimming downstream
Foals in the field, lambs on the hills
Dragonflies run on water, bees hum in the air
Butterflies shed their cocoons, birds leave the nest
Everything’s moving, lost in a dream
Nature’s newborn, launched on life’s quest.
Children’s light laughter, mother’s soft call
New grasses push skywards, leaves dress the tree
Sunrise awakens, dusk eases sunset to sleep
People on picnics, people in parks
Everyone outdoors, out in the sun
Everything’s moving, dancing and free
And I’m out of the circle, out of the fun.
Indigo colours, the velvet of night,
Owl’s soft whisper, Dikkop’s lone cry,
Stars honey-coloured, spin with delight
Secret and stealthy, bats on the wing
Silently, softly night shadows slip by
Everything’s moving, watched by the moon
And me in the night, going nowhere soon.
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