Winter reveries
Pale lemon sickle moon hangs in the waning winter sky
Hadedas fly overhead, gliding on watercolour wings, inky black
The air brittle and chill bends under their desperate cry
Nocturnal creatures cower as the blood red sun sacrifices the night
Red stains the clouds briefly and dies.
The soft dusting of ice on the grass turns to tears of dew
Winter wraps herself in garments of pearly mist and vanishes
With the sun comes the memory of summer.
Time was when all memory was summer, delightful, new
With age winter takes hold and the ancient dust on which we tread
Echoes with the whispers of those passed on ahead
Watercolours weep across the page of life
This small part of Africa dissolving in the rain
The first small snowdrops come creeping through the soil
Colonial past tenacious in its delicacy, echoes of eras gone
Regrets paper the wall of memory; I try not to count them
Reach out and let them go – fly onto the winter wind
Calling the ghosts around corners, through the cracks
Seagulls shriek and cry, ever unhappy
The black shark banner flies in the breeze
In the icy waves menace stalks looking for succor
Patiently the surfers await another, better, day.
The sea swallows the sun, taking the last of the golden glow
Birds hasten ahead of nightfall – safely home
On the mountainside lights come on strands of a necklace
The lighthouse sends its signal like a metronome
Danger stalks the night sea, claiming at the heedless
The moon sends silver light like ice cracking across
The hiss and ebb of the sea – the winter’s night falls.
1 comment:
nice to see a post after long long time! :)
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