Friday, September 25, 2009

Deer Park in Silence

The monsoon rains plummet to the ground

Instantly large silent pools fill the grass

Silently, mindfully, Ven Aggacitta carefully

Picks his way amongst the puddles

His spare figure shrouded in cinnamon robes

His protection a cinnamon umbrella held high

Vipassana meditation in motion

He goes on his way, absent of sound

Feet in sandals attempting to stay dry

Below me multi-coloured umbrellas

Weave to and fro ‘cross the Courtyard

Their bearers locked in silence

Poised not to speak, I can see their tension,

Westerners resting uneasy with their vows

Under dark umbrellas the business men from Delhi

Carry on their purposeful conversation

In hurried, urgent, soft Hindi cadence

Their silence reserved only for meditation

Voices lightly drifting on the rain

The roses move silently, greeting the wind

A horse’s bell rings the call to mindfulness

Singular, solitary, as the sun comes out again

And Saraswati, dancing eternally in bronze

Shines and glimmers, knowledge in hand

The Temple roof invites the sky’s caress

Breathing in, I breathe in, but instead of emptiness

Often it’s just the Watcher that I find.

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