An ancient gate guarding the four directions stands there still
Protecting the Spirit of the Tiger under
In this land where once the Tiger and the Snow Leopard
Clashed in combat over dominion of the
Hidden beyond the icy majesty of the
But, deep within the country's denizens the Tiger
Still holds sway, capturing the heart and soul
Of those brave enough to walk his solitary path.
Look in their eyes and the glint of the Cat
Stares back at you, harsh, imperious, regal.
The soft footfalls walk on the edge of your heart
And your soul rests uneasy as though the whisper
Of some primeval, alluring sound is calling,
Enjoining you to follow, abandon all caution
And conviction, light-headed in the Tiger's wake
Silently the Tiger takes his due, homage exacted
At your cost, and claims his freedom once again
Then leaves as the dusk and the fallen leaves
Cover his presence – what dream was this
The failing light brought to my eyes?
But soft upon my heart the Tiger's footprints burned
And in my soul the first chill wind of the past
Begins to blow – the Cat passed through here
Borne on the Winter Wind in search of Summer's delight.
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