I was checking the Net to see
If the part of a sociable weaver was what I wanted to be
Backtracking through other's acquaintances and friends
Looking to find the key
As to why the world would want to tweet
And what there might be there to gain
Was it an exciting way to meet?
Or would following just bring pain?
I came across a name
I thought I'd seen before
Opened up the pages, tried to read the score
I wondered exactly what it was that she said
And I wondered who had done what to her
That made her think of herself as worthless
To build a wall that high around her heart
To vanquish hope and fear in forgetfulness
And claim imperviousness as her tool.
Continents and hemispheres apart
It's impossible to get inside another's skin
One cannot interpret someone else's heart
All that we see is only ourselves seen from within
How sad to think that culture might be that cruel
To put duty before a girl's chance of happiness
Looking at her sad, resolute, determined face
I wondered when an ordinary life became tragedy
What brought her standing staring to this place
What was it for which she really reached
Comfort gained in yet another's online tryst?
Hope and heartache gathered all too recklessly
What satisfaction can one gain
From being just another name
On someone else's list.
But desperation reaches across the divide
And something in her reached out and cried
For laughter, recognition, individuality, respect
All those things we in the West expect
How can one relegate self respect and joy
To the dominions of the past
And accept that misery must last?
I wished I take her to my heart
Comfort her and lead her to see
That only we ourselves can set ourselves free
Grab the present tense, learn to part
With all that damages and causes pain
Honour oneself, and, if need be, start over again.
Happiness is a mindset that can be learned
Although the soul's true freedom must be earned
Rejoice in life: this moment is the best there is
The Past is just the refrain of memory
The Future imaginings of what is to be
Be present, be joyous, be merciful, of good heart
Be emotional, irrational, unpredictable and sad
Unchain the fetters, be unconventional and glad
Celebrate yourself, let the Divine create your joy
And let no person ever designate you as their toy.
Uncanny how the labels we give ourselves in jest
Are oft those that describe us the best.
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