Monday, December 29, 2008


In the place between what is real and for the commonplace
And the enchanting world of almost there – lost in time and space
I met an artist with magical, mystical amber eyes
Who sees the world each time completely anew,
Collecting an ever-changing record of experiences in every guise
He bewitches the soul of everything he captures
Be it recorded in images for those who wish to see
Or etched on the dark and warm delightful memory.
Always heading into exciting vistas and circumstance
With the curious yet aloof candour of the Cat
He engages in all of life's varied dance,
Taking joy from wherever and whenever he hangs his hat
He moves smiling on and reaches for the fresh and new.
Ask no questions of the Cat – privacy and secrecy are his domain
Take pleasure from his fleeting presence and value it's significance
Only in the amber eyes always moving onward, can he find true romance.
While Life's varied offerings remain caught like insects in the amber eyes
Fossilised and trapped forever by the sorcerer – that's where pleasure lies.
Intriguing how the Cat will readily go to water but never will get wet
There's a mystique about the contra flow and counterpoint, the cut and thrust
But at the end of it all, the experience captured, the Artist disengages and yet
It would be such an honour if the Cat would come and go at will
Knowing that in unquestioning acceptance by another artist the Cat can always trust.

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