How often and how easily we expose who we are
And who we want to be
Letting strangers in to the distant corners of the mind
Anyone can enter heedlessly
Ebb and flow, exchange and interchange –
Often what we get is not what we wanted to find.
How much do you suppose it takes to sell
my soul to the Devil?
I think that the damage lies in what we tell
Ourselves in the over-interesting quest
of who is really me?
Shadow play does not look evil
But of those who flew how many fell?
Let’s look around and try to count the cost
Stack up positive and negative
Take stock of all the things we gained en route
And then count those things we lost.
Somewhere in life’s eternal barter the deal was struck-
This you give to me and I will let you live.
If I believed I was about to sell my soul to the Devil
Would it give me pause?
Would I shift gear and retrace my steps back to
The starting point and pretend
I did not see Life’s enticing path and
Would it give me sufficient cause
For regret and sorrow, would I think of things to rue?
Looking back I find I got both joy and laughter
Learned some truths along the way
Got the chance to grow and learned to spread my wings
Found the joy in every day
Not being one to believe in happy ever after
Had some pleasure, and I’d do it all again
I have to say.
In the end we all learn that it’s all part of Life
There is no soul, no Devil
Just a wonderful impermanence: the ever changing show
And there is no good, no evil
Not even yesterday and no tomorrow
Now is all we have and there’s no point in strife
In the end there is no I to cherish
What gift can exceed the glory of that?
Beautiful!! I just loved it :))What great lines and so much to think and realize after reading it.
hey Jo - welcome! How are things with you? Tried to get you on your page, but couldn't get it right!
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