Always smiling and keeping laughter alive
Eagerly running towards life’s every delight
Somewhere, somehow you learned to survive
Life is appreciated best by those have walked
On the shadow side, learning that day follows night.
Girl with the dark hair tumbling, hiding your face
Voice ever-friendly, transparent, sincere
Gentle with others, always ready to smile,
making all our lives richer, work a kinder place.
Your own brand of courage, kept hidden here
Tilting at windmills, you make the fight worthwhile.
Girl about to become someone’s wife
May all the delight and the wonder
Last for every day of this life
May your day be rich and resplendent
Starting the first day of the story already a family
rich in love and the joy of journey.
Girl with a mother’s soft eyes,
Dressed up in purple and rich, shiny blue
Colours of wisdom, and intuition’s wondrous guise,
May all that brings happiness and life’s rich hue
cross your path now and forever, touching you
with life’s delicate, honey sweet breath.
Sadness brings laughter, longing delight,
Adversity is joy in fancy dress, just wait for her to disrobe.